César A. Lara, M.D.
Shamanic Healing
Dr. Lara is a Shaman and a Medical Doctor. His Journey as a healer began with a distinct recollection as a child “to be of Service”. Over the past 30 years, he has responded to this call through dedication to his medical practices as a Family Doctor and Medical Bariatrician focused on preventive medicine. Wanting to work towards curing the root of diseases rather than disease management, he furthered his exploration of the ancient wisdom healing traditions—Energy Medicine—the way of the Shamans.
Dr. Lara received his Energy Medicine and Shamanic Healing training from Dr. Alberto Villoldo at The Four Winds Society Light Body School in Chile. He received his “Rights” as a Shaman from the Q’ero Incan Shamans, the guardians of the wisdom of the Andes.