Energy Activation & Alignment for Body, Mind and Spirit


Step into a journey of profound healing and rejuvenation with our exclusive energy activation session, where ancient traditions come alive. Immerse yourself in the sacred practices of Qigong, Sound and Vibrational Healing, and the Shamanic Fire Ceremony

This unique 3-hour workshop is lovingly curated and delivered by the dedicated team at Fire and Stone Shamanic Center:

  • César A. Lara, M.D and Shaman: A distinguished healer blending modern medical insights with traditional shamanic wisdom.
  • Master Shifu Orlando Schiaffino: A master of Qigong, guiding you through movements that harmonize your energy flow.
  • Juliana Baron: A dedicated sound and vibrational healer who creates sonic landscapes that heal and elevate.

During this transformative session, you will experience:

  • Qigong: Engage in gentle movements and meditations that awaken and balance your life force.
  • Sound and Vibrational Healing: Bathe in the healing frequencies of sound, promoting deep relaxation and energetic realignment.
  • Shamanic Fire Ceremony: Participate in an ancient ritual that purifies, transforms, and empowers your spirit.

Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized experience for each participant. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a powerful healing journey with our esteemed healers.

Date and Time: Saturday, August 3rd 2024, 10 am -1 pm
Location: Fire and Stone Shamanic Center

The energy exchange for this workshop is $96

Embrace the power of ancient healing. Register here today and take the first step towards a more balanced and vibrant you.

Sound Healing Journey

Return to Your Nature: Sound Healing Journey


Return to Your Nature is an invitation to tap into your natural healing wisdom through the medicine of sound and vibration. A powerful path to clearing depression, transforming anxiety, awakening your creative power, and deepening your spiritual practice.

How does it work?

Sound therapy tunes up the physical, mental, and emotional body. This ancient healing comes from the Tibetan/Himalayan cultures and uses metal singing bowls tuned to specific musical notes and frequencies that are aligned with the seven energy centers (chakras) and seven astral bodies. Sound Therapy facilitates shifts in our brainwave state using rhythm and frequency. Rythm and frequency can entrain our brainwaves allowing us to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and in some cases reach theta (meditative state) and delta states (deep sleep).

A sound session is both a passive and participatory experience. The passive aspect is that you become more relaxed by laying down and slowing your breath. By doing this, you prepare yourself to become the receiver of sound. It is in this place of stillness that you participate by becoming more open and aware of each sound that comes in. Sound helps create the pathway to this place of stillness the same as a mantra helps you to arrive at the still point in meditation. Some of the main areas that sound can help with are sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, stress management, PTSD, and pain management.

What is it like?

During a typical session you are comfortable laying down or sitting up. I guide you into a safe, deeply meditative state using reiki, my voice, and the healing frequencies of different vibrational instruments: Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls, gongs, chimes, drums, rattle, native flute and tingsha bells. I incorporate breathwork, mantra, and traditional healing from Colombia supporting you as you surrender all tension, tune into higher awareness, connect with your heart wisdom and release stagnant energies and old patterns within your body and mind.

Bring a yoga mat, pillow, blanket, and any props that will enhance your comfort during the session or that are special to your soul. Also a journal and pen to document the insights you receive during the session.

We will end the session with a sharing of organic loose lea tea blend or cacao from Colombia, journaling and and a sharing circle.

The energy exchange for this workshop is $40 per person.


Discover Your Power Animal


Join Shaman Dr. César Lara and Master Shifu Orlando Schiaffino on Saturday, August 10, 2024, for an enlightening two-hour workshop that integrates two different ancient practices: shamanic journeying and Qigong to awaken your inner vision and discover your power animal.

A power animal is a living energy that resides in non-ordinary reality. It holds distinctive knowledge and wisdom derived from its own particular attributes. Power animals guide us to a level of higher consciousness, increasing our awareness and power as our souls evolve.

In this workshop, you will be guided by Shaman Dr. Cesar Lara on a Shamanic Drum Journey to discover your Power Animal and receive guidance that will support your personal growth and healing. A Power Animal is a spiritual guide that brings wisdom and characteristics from the animal world into your life. You will be guided to explore the unique medicine of your Power Animal and learn how to embody these gifts in your everyday life.

Dr. Cesar Lara and Master Shifu Orlando Schiaffino decided to offer this workshop during the summer season, which is known for purification, wisdom, and inner transformation.

This unique event will help you to connect with yourself and nature, and by the end, you will leave with a greater sense of inner peace, balance, and connection with the universe.

The energy exchange for this workshop is $96 per attendee,