Shamanic Healing for Weight Loss
When we think about weight loss, the first things that usually come to mind are physical—like nutrition, calories, exercise, hormones, and other factors of the body.
It’s true; these are essential areas to focus on. But they’re only half the story.
The condition of being overweight is not simply too many calories in and not enough calories burned.
Sometimes, outside of the physical challenges, even greater challenges prevent us from achieving our goals.
These are the shadows that follow us...
Shadows like childhood experiences, traumas, fears, and limiting beliefs can all hold us back. And, like the name “shadows” implies, we often can’t see them and might not even be aware of them.
Wherever you are on your weight loss and wellness journey, I invite you to consider joining our Shamanic Healing for Weight Loss workshop on January 13, 2024, in Clearwater, FL. In this workshop, we’ll lightly touch on the physical factors of weight loss, but most of our time together will be spent recognizing the shadows that prevent us from reaching our goals and finding the beauty, joy, and health we seek.
We’ll learn to step beyond the shadows and release our limiting emotions and beliefs through advanced energetic shamanic tools, including tapping, nutrition, and breathing, and ending with a sacred ritual that will align us with becoming the best version of ourselves.
Step out of the shadows and open up to love, light, and your best self in 2024.
The energy exchange for this workshop is $96/per person.