Despacho Ceremony: A Living Prayer For The Ending of 2024
In these times of intense shift it can seem that the world is out of balance. Structures and paradigms on which we have relied heavily are breaking down so that new ones can be birthed. It is a time of great opportunity to create balance in our lives through ceremonies such as the indigenous ceremony.
For hundreds of years shaman or wisdom-keepers from different traditions have used the Despacho ceremony. Central to the ancestral cosmology is the understanding that the universe is benign and only seems predatory when we are out of balance. They believe that the world mirrors back our own state of right relationship. Coming back into right relationship allows the Universe to work on our behalf once again, restoring the flow of synchronicity.
When we work in ceremony we work at the level of the soul. A Despacho is similar to a mandala or sacred creation in that it holds symbolic elements and the prayers of the participants. As the shamans add the elements to the despacho, the vibration of the participants and the room raises. The despacho becomes a living prayer that brings energy shifts and healing.
Lovingly curated and delivered by the team of healers at Fire + Stone Shamanic Center: Shaman, Dr. Cesar Lara, Master Shifu Orlando Schiaffino and Juliana Baron, Sound and Vibrational Healing Practitioner and Reiki Master - carriers of different traditional healing modalities. This 3-hour workshop will bring renewed energy, peace, and alignment to your body, mind, and spirit🍃
Session Flow:
Shamanic Qigong - by Shifu
Despacho Ceremony - by Dr. Lara
Sound & Vibrational Healing - by Juliana
Sharing Circle - Tea Offering
Exchange $96
What to bring: Yoga mat, water bottle, pillow, blanket or other props for comfort sitting and lying down. Optional special item you feel called to bring like flowers, shells, grains, seeds, crystals, etc for offering to the earth.
For questions please send or email at returntoorigeninfo@gmail.com.
We can't wait to see you there and to share tools for a more aligned, peaceful and joyful life ❤️
Happy journeying!